Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Unanswered Questions...

The notion that cognitive processes have their basis in neurological activities has been claimed to have been verified by studies involving imaging techiniques that show correlation between a cognitive act and a corresponding increase in regional activity in the brain. But does correlation imply causation? Which is the cause and which the effect? The cognitive act or the activity in the brain? The chicken or the egg?

In any case, I'm still mystified as to how a regional activity in the brain is translated into a perception or an experience of a sensation, or for that matter, even the awareness of an experience of a sensation. What is the sequence of events that translate external and internal stimuli into an experience of the world? How does activity in the occipital lobe or the primary visual cortex translate into seeing, for example, the colour red? What is "seeing"? What is it that is "seeing" red? Am I seeing? What am "I"?

I think Descartes was being rather glib when he said...well, wrote: Cogito ergo sum. It seems more likely that I think, therefore I can attempt to verify that I am. However, am I, if I am without thoughts? ;)

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