Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Stroop effect

i knwo it's a little bit late to talk abou the stroop effect, but I found a video of how to get better at this task. i never thought this would be possible! It's a long video, but it's worth watching. Everything is very unexpected. I think is amazing how vision and audition are related. when you see something, you already know what it sounds like, so this video is very surprising:

hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

Ashley Bender said...

I have a friend who has a jacket that demonstrates the stroop effect to a tee. The jacket has the words pink, grey, and black on it. but each word is not written in the color it describes. Instead, it is writtin in one of the other colors that is written on the jacket. this makes it very hard to read, demonstrating the stroop effect. That is one of the first real-world examples i have seen of the stroop effect.