Monday, July 16, 2007

A use for prions?

My questions open to anybody to answer are, "What are the known roles for memory proteins? What types of memories can be stored in this media? Where can I find new information on this subject?" Thanks. This link might help:


Anonymous said...

Christopher, thanks for following up on this! Since the article you posted was about mice, I wanted to find one that was specifically about prions in humans. I found this 2005 article on prions and human long-term memory:

Anonymous said...

About finding more information on the subject, one way to do it is to go to Google Scholar and look up the article you posted, then click on its "cited by" link. This will give you some more recent articles that may have followed up on this article. You can do the same with the article I just posted.

Raven Adams said...

Here's a simple article (from Neuroscience for kids) - it also has a reference list with some other sources.