Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Real Transformers

This weekend's New York Times magazine has an interesting cover story. The blurb summarizes it as:

"Researchers are programming robots to learn in humanlike ways and show humanlike traits. Could this be the beginning of robot consciousness — and of a better understanding of ourselves?"

It's a pretty long article, so I won't post the text, but you can access it here. You have to be a TimesSelect member to read it though. If you're not already a member, it's actually free for students who have valid college/university email addresses. You can go here to sign up.


GYee said...

I haven't read the link that you posted for this topic yet, but this topic does indeed spark my interest. It would be interesting to see an actually robot with the A.I. to behave just like a human would. This reminds me of the movie "I Robot". Very interesting stuff. Thanks Michelle!

L.D. Crow said...

That be great to have robots to do simple things in the household but hopefully avoid a robot rebellion