Monday, July 30, 2007

cross-recurrence analysis

I wanted to follow up on Raven and Deep's questions on cross-recurrence analysis and the plotting system because my answer was pretty rushed and probably unclear. So this is in reference to Figure 3 in Richardson, Dale, & Kirkham (2007), mentioned by Nicolette and Group 2, and also the figure I showed from Richardson & Dale (2005). For Figure 3, the gray band encompasses the area in which there's recurrence (overlapping eye movements by speaker and listener) at 0 ms (no time lag between speaker and listener). So the black boxes contained within this gray band represent the time points at which both speaker and listener were looking at the same thing at the same time. i is time course for the listener, and j is time course for the speaker. The time course is the duration of the experiment, beginning at time 0 until the end (exact duration wasn't listed for Study 2).

For the Richardson & Dale (2005) figure, recurrence occurs at 0 ms and then with a 2 ms lag (listener lagging behind speaker). The axes of t-listener and t-speaker here represent the time course of the experiment. The black diagonal lines are drawn within the gray boxes only when there was recurrence, so at certain time points (such as time 2, as seen on the left-hand scarf plot), at 0 ms (no lag) both speaker and listener were looking at the same thing at the same time. Also at a 2 ms lag, there was recurrence (even more so) of speakers and listeners looking at the same thing, but listeners looked at the thing 2 ms after the speaker did. Had there been recurrence at a 4 ms lag, that would've been plotted on a diagonal below the 2 ms data points.

Hope that helps to clarify things!


Raven Adams said...

Thanks for the explanation! That helps a lot - the figure was just really confusing without the background information.

jrivelle said...

thanks for the clarification... i was actually wondering about that too so this post was really helpful.

Anonymous said...

Glad this helped!